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   It is hard to make decisions about the direction to be followed and the solution to be chosen in the rapidly developing world of informatics and the immense tide of information. In such a case you need a partner to whom you can speak boldly about the problems and goals. Our experience shows that the greatest problem of the companies is to describe correctly the goal, and to translate it in the language of IT solutions. We have lots of positive checkbacks in this field from our partners. It is very important for us to come to know the range of activity of our partners, their tasks, so we can recommend the optimal solution. The build-up of the hardware and software environment, the whole IT infrastructure can be fit to match the expected goals. After the steps of configuration operation and maintenance come to the fore. We have to front lots of problems, like the Internet threats, data -protection and it's better to prepare afore.
   Our company gives help to find the response to these problems to get to cost-saving, long-term IT solutions.


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